MTSS Implementation Consultation
Want to talk to someone about scaling up Multi-tiered Support System (MTSS) implementation at your school or district? Comprehensive MTSS implementation is essential but it also presents challenges that district’s often cannot solve on their own. Both experience and research support the use of layered approaches to instruction in support but the road map to full implementation is often plagued with equity snares and structural breakdowns. Equitable approaches to MTSS implementation are a must but many districts struggle to stay focused on effective and sustainable models that are customized to the context of their schools. After a year of learning with and connecting schools and districts all over the state, a Networks for Excellence In Schools (NEXIS) MTSS consultant conversation might be the move that gets your MTSS system off the ground and operating with efficacy. In your first initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to share your implementation story and we will provide you with the support you need based on a wide range of research and Vermont-specific experience. Contact Audrey Richardson at: [email protected] to register for a consultant conversation and the first hour is on us!
Audrey Richardson, Ph.D., NEXIS Program Coordinator

Program Coordinator
Audrey has been an educator for over 15 years as a high school English Teacher, literacy interventionist and literacy coach in Woodstock, Vermont. Audrey is a graduate of The University of Vermont with a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. Audrey’s central focus, in both her research and work with PLL, is the implementation of equitable systems that support literacy learning for ALL students. As PLL’s NEXIS coordinator Audrey is committed to bringing education stakeholders together from around the state to engage in actionable literacy change. Audrey lives in Taftsville, Vermont with her dairy farmer husband and two daughters.